Can You Sue a University in a Sexual Abuse Case?

Fighting For Important Causes In State And Federal Courts

If you are sexually abused during your time at a university, and your school doesn’t help you, you may wonder if you can sue. Often, survivors ask their school for help after sexual abuse and may not get the help they need. If a university ignores your requests for help or intentionally intimidates you, you may be able to take legal action against them.

It’s possible to sue a university in a sexual abuse case. Students can file suit against their university if they and their lawyer believe the university violated their Title IX rights. Passed in the Educational Amendments of 1972, Title IX is a federal mandate that bars institutions like universities from sex-based discrimination of any kind. That includes students who are sexually abused and mistreated by their university or under the university’s watch. Violations of your Title IX rights also include the university ignoring your case, pressuring you to stay silent, or even threatening you. If your university violates your Title IX rights, you have reason to sue.

If you plan to sue your university for a Title IX violation due to sexual abuse, contact The Law Office of Andrew Shubin for a free consultation about your case. The Law Office of Andrew Shubin is experienced in Title IX sexual abuse cases and will help you sue your university. Call today at (814) 826-3586 for a free consultation to discuss your case.

How Can You Sue a University in a Sexual Abuse Case Under Title IX?

Any school or institution that gets funding from the U.S. Department of Education is subject to Title IX rules. So, if your university violates your Title IX rights, you can sue them for damages. Title IX covers many forms of sex discrimination, including sexual abuse and violence. Your Title IX rights are violated as soon as your school discriminates against you because of sexual abuse. If a university does not have any deterrence methods for sexual abuse and you are assaulted on campus, that is also a violation of your Title IX rights. In many cases, the school can be held responsible for sexual abuse against a student, but it is also possible to hold them responsible for how that student is treated once they come forward.

If a student who has gone to their university for help following sexual abuse is in any way discriminated against or intimidated by their university, they have the right to sue for possible damages. The Law Office of Andrew Shubin has long fought for survivors’ rights in Title IX cases and knows that it is more than possible to sue your university for Title IX violations.

Statute of Limitations in a Title IX Case for Sexual Abuse

If you’re considering filing a Title IX lawsuit against your university, you must know the statute of limitations in your state. Taking action against a university for Title IX violations does not always have to be a lawsuit. Students can file a claim with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) against their university within 180 days of the last act of discrimination. While it may vary by state, in Pennsylvania for example, the statute of limitations for filing a Title IX suit is two years. The statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit against your university is longer than the statute for filing a claim with the OCR and may end in better results for the plaintiff.

Because the statute of limitations for filing a suit is two years, some plaintiffs will have to file while still enrolled in their university. Should your school punish you in any way for filing a Title IX claim while you’re still enrolled, they will be violating your Title IX rights again.

What to Consider When Suing a University for Sexual Abuse Under Title IX

If you’ve decided you want to sue your university for sexual abuse under Title IX, there are several factors to keep in mind as you go through the process. Working with an experienced sexual abuse attorney, understanding how Title IX applies to private universities, and learning about other potential violations done by your university in addition to your Title IX claim are all important things to keep in mind.

Experienced Attorney

If you want to file a lawsuit against your university for a Title IX violation, it is important to work with an experienced lawyer. The Law Office of Andrew Shubin has represented survivors in Title IX cases against universities involving sexual abuse with success. It’s helpful to work with an experienced attorney that you can trust and who cares about the success of your suit and understands the toll it can take.

Private Universities

If you attend a private university and want to file a Title IX suit against your school for sexual abuse, you can still do so. Most private universities do get federal funding from the U.S. Department of Education, in one way or another. If your private university discourages you from filing a Title IX complaint or lawsuit because of their status as a private institution, consult an attorney about your rights.

Other Possible Claims

While it’s possible to sue your university for sexual abuse under Title IX, there may be other cases to make. Your university may have a student/university contract; check to see if any of the promises made by your university have been broken. If they have, you can also sue for breach of contract.

For any documented breach of your Title IX rights by your university, you are more than able to file suit. Keep all of the proof you have of the discrimination against you by your university and know that it is well within your right to sue your university for sexual abuse and their response to your claims.

If You Want to Sue a University in a Sexual Abuse Case, We Can Help

If your university violated your Title IX rights by allowing sexual abuse to occur on campus or by pushing you to drop your claim afterward, you may have the right to sue. Call The Law Office of Andrew Shubin today for a free consultation at (814) 826-3586.


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