Fighting For Important Causes In State And Federal Courts

How is Title IX Enforced?

Title IX protects students and others involved in education around the country from sex and gender discrimination.  Like most laws, Title IX’s rules would be nearly ineffective without proper administration and enforcement.  Title IX enforcement happens at a few...

Does Title IX Apply to Harassment on a College Campus?

“Harassment,” in general, refers to intimidating or threatening behavior or pressure.  If this pressure is based on the victim’s sex, then the resulting sexual harassment squarely involves treating someone differently because of their sex.  This would, on its face,...

What Happens When You File a Civil Rights Complaint or Lawsuit?

Many laws are in place to help prevent discrimination and protect the rights of people in minority groups as well as the public as a whole.  Many of these laws apply to the government directly, but other rules prevent discrimination and other rights violations in...

What is Title IX in College?

Title IX is a set of federal antidiscrimination rules that make it illegal for any educational institution that receives federal funding to discriminate “on the basis of sex.”  These rules apply broadly to high schools and colleges – including public and private...

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