Fighting For Important Causes In State And Federal Courts

How to Report Sexual Abuse in Pennsylvania

Victims of sexual abuse and assault suffer not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. Many survivors are angry, scared, and ashamed. Often reporting or dealing with an incident of sexual assault or abuse is difficult. The compassionate attorneys and...

How Long Do You Have to File a Sexual Abuse Lawsuit in Pennsylvania?

Victims of sexual abuse often find it difficult to come forward about what happened to them.  In many cases, victims of childhood sexual abuse do not fully know what happened until they are adults and better understand the situation.  Other times, pain and shame of...

How to Report Sexual Abuse in New York State

Reporting sexual abuse is often a very serious task for people in authority at schools, churches, camps, and other institutions that care for children.  Parents suspecting that their child might be a victim of sexual abuse also have a difficult obligation to pursue...

New York State Sexual Abuse Statute of Limitations (2024)

Sexual abuse claims can be difficult to deal with simply because the laws surrounding these claims tend to be more complex. For example, just determining how much time you have to file a civil claim for sexual abuse requires understanding multiple laws and how they...

Osagie Family Files Civil Rights Lawsuit Against State College Police

For Immediate Release Contact:  Andrew Shubin, Shubin Law (814) 867-3115; Kathleen Yurchak, Steinbacher, Goodall & Yurchak  (814) 237-4100, and; Andrew Celli, Emery Celli Brinckerhoff Abady Ward & Maazel LLP, (212) 763-5000. Today, Osaze Osagie’s family filed...

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