Schools have a responsibility to disabled students to provide a safe, accessible learning environment. When a school fails to uphold that responsibility, students can take action for justice. Before you can hold your school accountable for failing to provide...
Every parent’s worst nightmare is learning that their child has been sexually abused. If a teenager abused your child, it’s important to learn your legal options. After learning that a teenager sexually abused your child, report the abuse to the necessary parties to...
As a student, you may never consider what rights you have until you feel violated. That’s why it’s important to learn your rights as a Pennsylvania student so you can speak out when a school does wrong. Students in Pennsylvania have more rights than they may realize....
If you are a survivor of sexual assault in Pennsylvania, then you are also a victim of sexual misconduct. The same isn’t true in reverse. Pennsylvania survivors need to know the difference between these terms to have the best chances of getting the justice they...
Parents often expect the highest quality education upon sending their children to private schools. When the opposite happens, and a child is sexually abused, parents and survivors need to learn how long they will have to sue and what, if anything, will stand in their...
Learning that your child has been sexually abused at school is every parent’s worst nightmare. In the unfortunate circumstance that this happens to your family, it’s important to know the statute of limitations for filing a sexual abuse lawsuit against a public school...